
Center of Mass Shift

When determing the center of mass shift for the peculiar velocity that arises from this model of relativity an incredibly intriguing value arises... the golden ratio to within 0.002%.

Geometry has two great treasures: one is the Theorem of Pythagoras; the other, the division of a line into extreme and mean ratio. The first we may compare to a measure of gold; the second we may name a precious jewel.

~ Johannes Kepler

Of course, all physics points to the principle that our location on Earth is in no way special or unique. That however does not mean that we shouldn't study our local reference frame for symmetries that say something greater about the way the Universe works. The so called Axis of Evil is one instance of this which has yet to be resolved. Here, I will present another.

Consider figure , where and . Before Einstein revolutionized our understanding of the Universe, time was believed to be a sort of 'final' derivative... a rate of change to which all other rates of change can be compared.

It is my position that it is not time which behaves in this manner, but that time arises in this manner due to our velocity through space, which in turn produces an acceleration towards a spatial system of a lesser density, giving the appearance of a motion of space. If this is true, then velocity through space arises as perhaps the most fundamental quantity; not as , but as a quantity which on a fundamental level can only be compared to the rate of motion through space of other bodies, as a pure magnitude of sorts.

Given this interpretation of velocity and time, we might review figure with a loosened dependence on time. If we consider as a pure magnitude as

we find

It is my position that should still be considered a derivative, , and this magnitude of be applied only as a dimensionless scalar; as a means of comparison to the speed of light, .

In that light1, we should find by the following:

Since for to be applied as a scalar, we must apply it as , .

This gives


The Relativistic Symmetry post describes the relationship between the symmetry described here and another symmetry that arises from our rotational velocity.

As is applied as an integral over to give , and in turn the spatial dilation proposed to provide a mechanism for the equivalence principle, applied as a scalar must be applied to the center of mass of the body in motion: the Earth.

Given that , and all share the same units, this relationship becomes truly dimensionless. Measuring units of length in Chevy Sonics and units of time in the duration of the most recent Taylor Swift album would yield this same symmetry. This symmetry is lost however if the notion of time is applied in the traditional sense, where velocity is time dependent, rather than time being velocity dependent as would no longer be equivalent.

This result should not be misinterpreted to imply that the center of mass of the Earth dilates by meters per second, or even meters per distance . Rather, in a truly dimensionless relationship:

However, note the difference between described here and as described in the Relativistic Symmetry post. The behavior of varies with respect to reference frame. In the case described here, in which is the consequence of a single body moving through space, from the reference frame of that body, this symmetry applies, as the body itself is traversing this additional distance .

In the case described in the first section of the Relativistic Symmetry post, where the observer is not the source of the dilation and is not traversing the additional , the observer experiences the as gravity, and another symmetry applies as described in that article.


  1. Pun very much intended.

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