User Tips

Keyboard Shortcuts

Since ULLD is focused around note taking that is unaccounted for by other note taking software, there are many inputs that are designed to allow you, the user, to insert less common content like math, code or colors.

Many of these less common inputs use a Cmd-Shift-Enter keyboard shortcut to conditionally display hidden features that would otherwise crowd the UI. The code block input for example, will open a full screen modal with a full IDE, allowing much more familiar code input in a very VS Code like environment.

Two other keyboard shortcuts include a command palette available by pressing Cmd-Shift-P, and when inside of a mdx note, a note summary available by pressing Cmd-Shift-K.

Your Environment

If you are new to working with files directly instead of through a graphical interface, checkout VS Code from Microsoft. It's a great free, very powerful IDE that can do wonders to help you more quickly and reliably edit pretty much every file type you'll use while working with ULLD.

The syntax highlighting, error indicators, extended search functionality and keyboard shortcuts will make working with mdx, notebook, json, and every other file type you'll be editing while working with ULLD significantly easier and far less prone to errors.


ULLD will remain under active development for many years to come, but especially over the next year, updating ULLD frequently will make sure that you have access to the most recent features.

As ULLD is being released early due to my living conditions and as a consequence, the inability to progress at a reasonable rate, there are several features that are kind of finished, but won't quite make the cut for the initial launch. These features, along with many improvements to existing features and bug fixes as they arise will be published often.

You can generate a complete update with the @ulld/build cli through the ulld build --clean command, but make sure to update the cli itself with the ulld update command.

Note: Running the build command with the clean flag will not remove any of your data. It will completely delete your compiled application so a new one can be generated, but all of your data is stored seperately from your compiled application and will not be lost.

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